Solving the Labyrinth: Navigating Regulatory Pathways in Food, Drugs, and Medical Devices

Tuesday, Nov 19, 2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM



Solving the Labyrinth: Navigating Regulatory Pathways in Food, Drugs, and Medical Devices

Our program features three life sciences entrepreneurs with direct experience shepherding products through the regulatory process. Get ready for war stories from this lively panel of professionals who have each entered the labyrinth seeking regulatory approval for drugs, food additives, and medical devices.

Featured Speakers 

Eric Edwards – Session Moderator

Co-Founder and CEO, Phlow

Michelle Higgin 

President, Pharma Directions

Pharma Directions is a hands-on virtual drug development partner for small, start-up, and micro-biotech companies who want to bring innovative concepts and compounds to market.

Jeff Pompeo

President and CEO, Caretaker Medical

Caretaker Medical is the world’s most innovative Wireless Vital Signs and Continuous NonInvasive “Beat by Beat” Blood Pressure monitor for uninterrupted Patient Monitoring at all points of care.

Ed Rogers

CEO, Bonumose

Created to commercialize Chief Scientific Officer Dr. Daniel Wichelecki’s enzymatic technology breakthrough for the production of affordable, delicious, healthy Tagatose, Bonumose works to earn a place among the world’s most trusted food ingredient manufacturers.


700 Harris Street Charlottesville, VA
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